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Table Driven Testing with TypeScript

Software testing is a crucial part of any development process. It ensures that the software works as intended and helps us to build robust, resilient software. While unit testing is important, it can be time consuming to write and maintain individual test cases. Table driven tests offer an alternative approach for unit testing that can streamline the process entirely. In this blog post, we'll explore what table driven tests are and how to use them with TypeScript.

Note: I will be using AVA for writing the tests in my examples due to its simplicity. Jest or any other preferred testing framework you have will work too.

What is Table Driven Testing?

Table driven testing is a strategy that encourages the reuse of test logic. We define each case as an entry in an array, specifying our inputs and expected result. We then execute each case against a generic call to the function we are testing. This helps us avoid duplication of test logic, and helps to make our tests:

  • Concise and readable: Easier to see what your tests are covering, their inputs, and what the expected output values should be.
  • Easy to maintain: Promotes the reuse of test code and helps avoid duplication. New test cases are added to the array, no need to duplicate test logic.

Table driven tests aren’t new. Most commonly used by Go developers, you’ll find blog posts throughout the Go community encouraging their use, and the concept is even introduced in some Go beginner’s and reference guides.

While table driven tests are most popular with Go, TypeScript is also a perfect language for them. Being a strongly-typed superset of JavaScript, TypeScript allows us to explicitly define our input and expected types, an important feature to have when we are writing our tests.

Thinking in Tables

An easy way to start writing table driven tests is to think of the cases you want to test and list them in a table. Each case consists of at least a name, input arguments, and an expected result.

Consider the following function that calculates the sum of two numbers:

function sum(a: number, b: number): number {
  return a + b

We want to write tests that ensure our sum function returns the correct result, no matter what numbers we provide. For the sake of keeping this post to the point, I'm just going to include two test cases:

Test CaseInput "a"Input "b"Expected Result
returns the sum of two positive numbers123
returns the sum of two negative numbers-1-2-3

We can already see that each case takes the same input and return types, so why would duplicate the test logic? Let's take a look and compare conventional vs table driven unit tests.

You'll also notice that the table serves as a list of requirements for our function. This is especially useful if you're following a test driven development (TDD) process, in which case it's best to write this table before implementing your function.

Conventional Unit Tests

Writing conventional tests for each case above requires duplicating test logic for each case. You might be using a test framework that encourages test suites with nested describe blocks, but here is how we would write our tests when using AVA:

import test from 'ava'
import { sum } from './math'

test('returns the sum of two positive numbers', (t) => {
  const result = sum(1, 2), 3)

test('returns the sum of two negative numbers', (t) => {
  const result = sum(-1, -2), -3)

While this example is quite simple, you can see that we are already starting to repeat code in each test case. This code duplication will quickly add up, impeding both readability and maintability.

Table Driven Tests

Table driven tests, on the other hand, require us to translate the cases we wrote down in our table to TypeScript. This means we need to define a TestCase type, and an array of our test cases.

Basic Example

Based on our table above, we know that a TestCase should have a name, inputs for a and b, as well as our expected result.

type TestCase = {
  name: string
  a: number
  b: number
  expected: number

Now that we have defined how a test case looks, we can populate our array of test cases directly from our table.

const testCases: TestCase[] = [
    name: 'returns the sum of two positive numbers',
    a: 1,
    b: 2,
    expected: 3
    name: 'returns the sum of two negative numbers',
    a: -1,
    b: -2
    expected: -3

With the test cases defined, the file step is to run a test for each case by generically calling our sum function and verifying the result.

testCases.forEach((testCase) =>
  test(, (t) => {
    const actual = sum(testCase.a, testCase.b), testCase.expected)

Here you can see we loop through each case, define a test with the name of the case, call sum with our input values, and compare our expected value with the actual result.

Putting it all together:

import test from 'ava'
import { sum } from './math'

type TestCase = {
  name: string
  a: number
  b: number
  expected: number

const testCases: TestCase[] = [
    name: 'returns the sum of two positive numbers',
    a: 1,
    b: 2,
    expected: 3
    name: 'returns the sum of two negative numbers',
    a: -1,
    b: -2
    expected: -3

testCases.forEach((testCase) =>
  test(, (t) => {
    const actual = sum(testCase.a, testCase.b), testCase.expected)

The test logic we have implemented is generic, and we have avoided any duplication. On top of this, any new case we want to test can be appended to our array of test cases, there is no extra logic to write.

Expecting Errors

Let's pretend we want a function to return the sum of positive numbers only. If either input a or b are negative, we will throw an error. Our table of test cases (again, minimal for simplicity of this article) looks like this:

Test Case"a""b"ExpectedError Message
returns the sum of two positive numbers123
throws an error when a is less than one02a must be positive
throws an error when b is less than one10b must be positive

We can now write a new function that meets the test cases we have defined.

function sumPositivesOnly(a: number, b: number): number {
  if (a < 1) {
    throw new Error('a must be positive')
  if (b < 1) {
    throw new Error('b must be positive')
  return a + b

In our tests, we can follow the same structure as before, except this time we will make expected optional, and also add an optional error. For the valid cases we will provide an expected value and for the invalid cases we will provide an error value.

import test from 'ava'
import { sumPositivesOnly } from './math'

type TestCase = {
  name: string
  a: number
  b: number
  expected?: number
  error?: Error

const testCases: TestCase[] = [
    name: 'returns the sum of two positive numbers',
    a: 1,
    b: 2,
    expected: 3,
    name: 'throws an error when `a` is less than one',
    a: 0,
    b: 2,
    error: new Error('a must be positive'),
    name: 'throws an error when `b` is less than one',
    a: 1,
    b: 0,
    error: new Error('b must be positive'),

testCases.forEach((testCase) =>
  test(, (t) => {
    try {
      const result = sumPositivesOnly(testCase.a, testCase.b)
      if (testCase.error) {
        // If we are expecting an error but did not receive one,
        // fail the test.'test case should throw an error')
      }, testCase.expected)
    } catch (err) {
      if (!testCase.error) {
        // If we are not expecting an error but one is thrown,
        // fail the test.'test case should not throw an error')
      t.deepEqual(err, testCase.error)

In our test logic we are now checking to see whether an error was expected. If an error was thrown, but not expected, the test will fail. Likewise, if an error wasn't thrown, but was expected, the test will also fail. We also make sure the actual result matches the expected value, as well as ensuring that the error thrown matches our expected error.

Final Thoughts

Table driven testing is a powerful technique that can dramatically improve the quality of your tests. By using a table driven approach to testing your tests become more concise, expressive, and maintainable, avoiding unnecessary duplication of test logic.